Father's Day

The less said about last night, the better, but if I said that LadyPride could have a pretty good guess about what happened as the same happened to her a few weeks ago.....

anyhow, today.
Daddy brought the children down at 6am, I came down at 7am. We played had fun and watched far to much Charlie and Lola. Daddy went shooting (and had breakfast out and went to the pub after) Womsie went back to bed (for all of 40 minutes) so we got dressed and went to 'little' soft play. Wom was very clingy but Munch had a good time.

Home for lunch (cheeky McDonalds)

Headed out to a lovely pub for their charity event, lovely live music but nothing much else, Munchie was very disappointed that there was no bouncy castle, but turned out to be a pretty good shot with a croosbow.

Home, tea

I then realised that I had missed out doing a ton of school work so have just worked like the clappers to catch up!
Lee away till late Wednesday night, I have everything crossed for a few good nights.

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