Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Looking into the past.

This is Chris and Mandy, they have been going out for about 2 months. As you all know, Mandy is my bestfriend and to see her with a boy, feels wierd. I'm protective because i've been there, i've seen new relationships crumble. Me and John have had horrific issues in the past which I dont want to happen to my Mandy.

However, Me and John are very different. John and I were very young when we started going out, we were 14 and Chris and Mandy are 17. This all makes up for there relationship going way faster than mine and Johns. Sometimes its difficult to come into perspective that some relationships move faster because there ready for it, and its not just me and John taking everything really slow. It's weird.

Moving on, because i feel i have babbled enough. Today i'm going to work, which is fun not. I'm working today and tomorrow, then school on monday. Busy busy.

Happy Blipping.

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