
By patrona

I am going mad, no really, I feel it. Either that or I have caught a little of what Prince Philip has. I suppose I better explain.

Yesterday (or today in Blipland) I read that one of the signs of a bladder infection is loss of mental capacity, manifesting itself as absent mindedness in the elderly, which can cause distress to the family as it is often mistaken for early onset Alzheimer's. Now for some time I have been accused by the members of the tribe of wilful wooly thinking or parental convenient forgetfulness. At last I have a viable excuse.

Be that as it may what does concern me is that what I was sure I blipped last night, is no longer there. I am very certain that I didn't use foul language, or insult anyone ,unless there are any sensitive tomatoes on my subscriber list. So I don't think I have been moderated. My blip has just gone, vanished, vaporised or erased. My eulogy to my vegetable patch is no more.

I can't even remember my blurb, I was tired, so at least you are spared that. However you will be left with no explanation as to why a tomato flower caused a whiteout. Since I have come to respect the community greatly for its depth of wisdom and knowledge, no doubt one of you will come up with a reasonable explanation and I will be able to ask them to remove the restraints and change these rather fetching padded bloomers.

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