Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

The Family

We headed off early this morning to catch the train to the city. I wanted a second pair of Merrell shoes (I got a pair of Trail Gloves to complement my awesome Road Gloves), and Mrs T wanted to try on a pair of Merrells (she's getting a pair of their Dash Gloves). We then went to a new playground at Darling Harbour, which the kids loved, and then lunched at the Hard Rock Cafe (soooo happy it's re-opened - and in a much better location).

After we got home, I chucked on the Trail Gloves and went for a run - which I enjoyed muchly. 8)

I took this photo on the (verrrrry chilllllly) platform while waiting for the train this morning. Largerer here. And yes, those are leg-warmers on Miss 6's arms; she has her own very distinct and well-developed sense of style. xD

For anyone that would like the links waipushrink mentions in his comment:

Atlanta 10k

Sydney slo-mo

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