
By bigred1977

Fly Ball In Motion

So today the following happened:

Headed down to the CastleHill Farmers Markets, bought heaps of yummy stuff, American Style Pork ribs ( a whole pigs worth ) are possibly the high light!

Then in the same show grounds as the Farmers Market a dog show was being held and we were introduced to the mayhem that is FlyBall

What is Flyball?

( this video explains what it is!)

It was great fun to watch even with the dogs & the owners making so much noise!

Then to CastleHill's largest mall to get Andrea a new phone, the Samsung Galaxy S3 is now hers and very nice it is too!..... Jealous!

Home to a bit of work in the garden & chopping some firewood!

Fire lit, pizza dough rising ( in front of the fire!) and the Swans on TV tonight! Not a bad Saturday!

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