In My World

By JoanneInOz

The things we do for a photo.....

Today, I have had serious words with Tess.

I told her, in no uncertain terms, that she must get over her severe case of camera-shyness. Rufus, Tussock, Maud and Molly, just to name a few, would be thrilled to meet another blip-dog!

Photo after indoor photo later, we still didn't have a winner.

Tess decided it was time for a break, in the garden....

....but it was raining!

To get Tess out of the rain, I led her over to a tree. We could shelter under the branches, out of the rain, while I clicked away with my camera.

One look at the camera in my hand and she was heading the other way. The rain appealed far more to Tess!

I just about had to drag her screaming and kicking to the tree, but once there, after a stern command of "SIT!" she gave in to her crazy, camera obsessed owner.

As luck would have it, a truck stopped at the top of the hill, right in the direction of where I wanted Tess to look, so, forgetting the camera, she donned her best watch-dog hat and posed perfectly for me! Ha!!

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