the edges of my life

By raej

Bangkok traffic cops

In Oz they were called "lollipop ladies". Retired men and women in white coats with big lollipop signs helping kids cross the road .
Here despite the smiley face on the sign they are scary men in black (with 2 arms btw) wearing face mask, riot type helmut and BIG sticks and attitudes - our vietnamese traffic cops would be sooo jealous at the cool uniform - they wear a light tan and get called 'white ants'.
I of course step out and start traffic weaving aka Viet style..... Not a good move - made scary man in black very upset :(
Anyways that was the highlight of my morning - scaring MIB :)
3 hrs to fill yet before surgery admission ...... Last blip for a while with this hand. Mr. Lefty is going to have to get his(prob her eh?) act together...But I will blip tomorrow somehow (expect blurry shots and illegible words :)
Have a good weekend all

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