and through the wire...

By hesscat

A Premiere Day

It was an unusual day today, we didn't have much planned but it ended up  busy day, and just as well as it turned pretty nice and warm. As a result I struggled to choose a blip so ended up adding a few extras below, they all deserve a place :-)

I am not sure why but I don't think I have ever been to Tantallon Castle before but it was lovely and impressive. It's surprising how much you can go around and up the castle given it is in ruins!

Again, I am not sure why, but I don't think I've been up North Berwick Law before. It looks very steep but it was a relaxing walk and some fantastic views.

After dinner in the Ship Inn we booked tickets for the Edinburgh Film Festival and chose "The Messenger" as it looked fairly interesting. As we arrived there were groups of posh frocks and penguin suits making their way towards the cinema and people being photographed outside. Only then we found it was the film's world premiere and cast, crew and investors were here before they headed off to the after show party at Lulu's!

We enjoyed the film and Q&A afterwards but it was surprising how many of the frocks and penguins went off to the toilet or get some more popcorn... whit!! C'mon pals, there's rules!!

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