Midsummer Musical Picnic


It was fabulous.  Though ever since the forecast last week predicted possible rain, all the Linton Youth Music organisers have been on tenterhooks.  We decided to go ahead, but the heavens opened half an hour in and my heart sank. However, the audience stayed, put up their hoods and umbrellas and listened - how incredibly supportive and - well... how very British!

Another point of anxiety was the début performance of 'Dry Ice', the band that Sam sings with.  I used the camera to video it so haven't got a blip here but Pensionspoet does and meyesme (who it was lovely to see again with Jean) has got some super ones of the day.  I needn't have worried, they smashed it!  

Then the sunshine finally came out and my favourite ever Linton band 'The Accelerants' came on, and I relaxed and I reckon there were even more people there than last year, when we had wall to wall sunshine.

So a great result and I'm so grateful to the inspirational LYM team, performers, sponsors, volunteers and audience for making it so.  

I look forward to sifting through photos tomorrow, but tonight I'm well and truly shattered!


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