Gifts of Grace

By grace


Yes, there is a perfectly serviceable patch of sand a few yards away.  Yes, I could give up, let go, move on.  In theory.

In truth I remain attached to this spot right by the burn, despite the changes.  It’s the sound of the water, the quality of the silence, all the birds drinking and splashing inches away, the minnows, the light and reflections, the shelter from the wind.  The fact that it’s yards from home, always there, waiting.  It’s given me some of my favourite blips.

I found I had to give it one more chance. Hours of raking and clearing, sorting out man-made rubbish and plastics, dead sea birds, seaweeds, branches and logs, even a discarded bouquet of flowers.  Grateful for a little help from neighbours.  

Contemplating all the while my penchant for clearing up other peoples’ mess; the arrogance and aggression of the term ‘other people.’   The planners, the builders, the gardeners, the thoughtless folks who flush [in]sanitary items down the loo.  A world populated by others.  

Reminded again it’s always consciousness.  Lack of.  Ignorance.  Blindness.  Unawareness.  The law of unintended consequences, unimagined consequences.  Our universal, indestructible innocence beneath our evolving consciousness.  A world without guilt, or blame.  Co-arising.  Interdependent.  People dump, I clear, with luck we evolve. 

Abs and back aching I am returned again to gratitude for every single contribution, every careless act.  Soundtrack.

Tomorrow the solstice …

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