just emerged, had to sit quietly, her wings so vulnerable. Holding on a stem with all her might. I would say it was a bit cold but later the clouds disappeared and the sun brought her some warmth.
In the afternoon we drove to one of the primordial woods near the Sababurg in the Reinhardswald.
The trees so terribly old and they all looked so fatigued and many lay down for their eternal rest.
From there we visited Gottsbühren, saw the outside and the inside of the church (13th century). The weather had made us a bit tired, but we had still our meal on the balcony, it is summer, istn't it?
I do not know why but my laptop does wonders again. For how long?

This evening I want to rest a bit. Tomorrow I will find the pictures of all my friends again and I welcome that.
Many thanks in advance for your good words, stars and heart for the parrots.

My haiku:

And then life starts
Still amazed by what we see
And feel and smell

And the proverb:

Kim Kam arsie versie.

1539  Taverner 62
Clean contrarily and arsy versy as they say.

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