Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

Coming to a Close

I cannot remember when I have been so happy to see a day end!

I was awakened shortly after 3am this morning with a pup who had an upset stomach. All over the bed upset!

I removed the sheets and blankets and trudged my way to the laundry sink to rinse everything before throwing it into the washer. As I passed by the kitchen, I noted the dirty dishes, so I spent about 45 minutes washing them and cleaning the kitchen.

Well, by then, it was getting to be time to rise!

We were at my mother-in-law's house by ten this morning and we worked on several tasks that needed to be done outside. We finished at about seven this evening. Oh my aching bones.

We had to make a couple of quick stops in Henrietta and it was there that we bid farewell to the sun! We are finally home some thirteen hours after we left this morning.

G'nite! Catch everyone tomorrow!

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