Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Moooooove over!

Cow number 26 blocking the gateway on the way back from my dog walk this morning. She was so unbothered by me and the 9 dogs on the other side of the gate she was busy feeding her calf!. A wee suggestion that she move over and she went and stood out the way and watched me come through with the dogs. Cows cant be trusted especially not with dogs when they have calves. Having said that these guys are pretty tolerant especially as they see us pretty regular with the dogs. I tend to make a point of moving young cattle with dogs in tow so they get used to moving away calmly from dogs and get used to seeing them.

A very dreich day today so I caught up on some housework, wrote some bills and have finished my next unit in my diploma and sent it off.

14c 0mph misty and drizzley all day.

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