Sing a song of sixpence.

I gym'd it this morning, and then came straight home. J was re-laying one of our patios, where the bird feeder is, so we didn't go back out today. I made him a coffee, and we going to sit outside, but it started to drizzle, so he came in, to drink it. I was explaining to him, how I dropped my water bottle in the gym, and I went to put my coffee cup back on the coffee table, and split it all over the cream carpet. How can one small cup , make so much mess. J mopped it up for me, but not without a lecture about , why didn't you look where you were putting it..................... I was glad when he went back out to finish the patio. I was changing the bedclothes this afternoon, and I could hear  a bird making a lot of noise on the fence, and J  was talking to it, explaining where the bird feeder had been moved to    only a temporary move   I rushed out with my camera, and  managed to get quite close, before she flew away. All's well that ends well, and the coffee stain came out! I must be more careful in future!!!!

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