Concert on the water.

I look forward to this annual event so much every year, a classical music concert on a purpose built stage on the water behind the parliament building, the stage separate from the seating so the water is in between. There's usually all sorts of madness that occurs!
However this year, even though the promising title was 'sparks' and a later than usual start could allow for darkness, there were no sparks other than a sparkler being handed out on exit and the water was no where to be seen.
The music choice was not very adventurous, and the dancers that I assume were there to enhance the music were shocking. They were not dancing in time or within the themes of the music, it just seemed rather self indulgent on the part of the dancers.
I was thoroughly disappointed and even chips and poffertjes on the way back to the car couldn't lift my deflated spirits.

That is all.

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