A time for everything

By turnx3

Late afternoon walk

Yay, I've managed a whole month without a miss - not much for some of you, I realise, but an accomplishment for me! I've also made spotlight twice this week - I must be on a roll! By the way, thanks to all those who commented on my frosty leaf blip yesterday - much appreciated.

I took this in our neighborhood, while out walking with Roger when he got home from work, and before the trick or treaters arrived. It was another beautiful day after a cool start, and was really quite warm while we were out walking. It made for a great evening for those out trick or treating. When I saw the bunches of kids out early on, I was afraid we might run out of candy, but I needn't have worried, as we still have quite a bit left - not so good for our waist-lines!

Happy Halloween everyone, and have a great weekend!

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