Mixed bag

The contractors arrived early so we packed up and left for the beach.  I know I should be so grateful for the work that is being done on the bedroom but I don't do well with people in my house.  I keep thinking of that Tom Hanks movie The Money Pit when the actress that played his wife goes to open the medicine cabinet in the bathroom and there is a contractor staring back at her.  I just can't wait for it to be done and everything put back in it's place. 
Nadia doesn't start summer camp until Monday so we took her with us to the beach today.  What a blast we had.  She couldn't get enough of the ocean and loved making 'pancakes' in the wet sand.  It started out hot with not much of a breeze but it changed during the late afternoon and a cool breeze started blowing in off the ocean. 
The sky started to look stormy as we were packing up to head home and sure enough it started pouring just as we got to the boardwalk.  We stopped on the way home for a bite to eat and before we hit the highway Nadia was passed out sleeping in the back seat. 

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