
By FergInCasentino

As I walked out ...

I woke at 4.15. I was parched and needed tea after the gardening labours of the day before. A quick check on the Met site: sunrise at 4.38 - our little area here is known as the 'First Light Coast' for tourist purposes. 

I slipped out to the car with my tea and camera and rolled down the hill to the Bay. A young badger scuttled across the gravel road in the half light under thick trees.

The tide was nearly making full and no wind, the light building way up in the north east, practically under the cliffs. Fred, fisherman of the Bay, rolled by in his pick-up to unpick his nets and set out into the Bay before the tide dropped and the shingle drag to the water lengthened.

Con trials and stillness and then the sun rising. Not the solstice but from the forecast the only day with a clean break. I took my shots from the shingle, balancing the camera on a groyne, the gentle waves splashing at my feet. Done I climbed back into the car. I had to return down the hill to fetch my tea cup. It was magic.

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