A Tiny Bouquet for Flower Friday

This is a Kalanchoe plant which I find very appealing because each stem is like a very tiny bouquet of flowers and buds.
Once again I have found being a host for a challenge to be quite difficult. There were so many interesting images and it was hard to narrow it down to a few favorites.   I really have no expertise whatsoever in judging wide angle shots and so I must simply resort to those that appealed to me in some way.

My favorites for this week's Wide Angle Wednesday challenge are (in no particular order):
Xtoffdav - because the Shard goes off into infinity, and the wonderful composition includes leading lines and great depth. 
AH14  - for wonderful symmetry, contrast and distortion.
rainie - for providing a long view down two different streets.
isbi - for backing herself into a corner and providing such an unusual perspective.
SarumStroller - for such an interesting point of view, such brilliant color, detail and depth.  He has turned off his comments again, so I couldn’t leave a personal message. I hope he sees this. 

There were a few others that made my shortlist and are really worth having a look. 

For great composition, leading lines and depth:

For providing two distorted views around a corner: 

For nice foreground interest and leading lines:

For excellent distortion:

And finally….Just because:
AnnieMay for her lovely tribute to Pooh Corner and A.A. Milne.
Beckett  for personally designing and constructing a corner and a having great story to go with it. 
Hesscat for great distortion, depth and a very humorous subject.

And, of course, if you haven’t already had a look at Hobbs' entry, please do.  He is the mastermind behind this very educational challenge.  Next week's challenge (June 24) will be hosted by ThingsBeautiful and the theme is "Floral." 

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