
A better day at work and then off to see Helle and the pups. 

We had each pup out for a small walk without the other pups today. They did very well. My picture today is of Mini on her walk and the extra photo is Gollum. He is already behaving like a proper boy sniffing for the best place for a wee :-D

I had morphine for 1½ day for Beat after his operation and he has needed it. He still seems to be in pain though and I rang the vet this morning to ask if I could have some more, to help Beat through the weekend. The vet agreed that Beat should not look and sound uncomfortable, so I got 6 x morphine for the next 3 days and I am glad I did as Beat started to show signs of pain again when we left Helle's. He is now sleeping next to me and looking relaxed again. 

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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