Not yet...

I don't think I'm ever going to tire of this view.
We get a good glimpse of it (if a little obscured by the trees) from the apartment - but wherever you go in St Gervais it dominates the view to the East.
Today started with rain but as you can see it didn't linger. By just after lunch I'd submitted two draft documents, well ahead of deadline - so felt a blast up the Nant valley was called for. Soon it will be full of people doing the Tour or families heading to the nature park - but today I saw 3 other people all afternoon.

A couple of year ago I was let into a guides secret - the location of a rare (for here) Bee Orchid - when we were here in May it was just the very first leaves - today the flowers had been and rotted - it would seem it's a very narrow window of opportunity, oh well - a reason to be here more often next year! Fortunately there was still lots to see - so for the second day running there is a collage extra.

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