Diggory Delvet

Diggory Diggory Delvet!
A little old man in black velvet;
He digs and he delves
You can see for yourselves
The mounds dug by Diggory Delvet

Somewhere, between walking Poppy to school and walking the dogs, my only remaining pair of glasses dropped out of my back pocket. As I was retracing my steps, I happened upon little Diggory Delvet, also searching for his spectacles amongst the long grass in Pocket Park. He offered to help me with my search but having even worse eye sight than myself, I politely declined his offer and continued my search. He obviously found his own soon after as, just before I turned the corner, I looked back and he was waving a tiny pair of glasses above his head.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Specsavers came to the rescue, I had an appointment at 12, had a full eye test, chose 2 frames, ordered them, paid and was out within 25mins. They're going to fast track them so I get them back quickly too. Result!

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