
Oh dear.

Yesterday evening when Mr. W came home, he went outside to play with his new drone again.  I asked him if he could try to take a picture of our house, the pool, and my sister's place (the guest house on our property), and he was practicing flying ever higher, trying to fit everything into one shot.  Every now and again, he'd come indoors with the camera card for me to review on the computer.  He took quite a few pictures, and he was improving with every shot when disaster struck.

Shortly after this image was captured, he decided he just wanted to get a little higher and more to the right ... the drone buzzed up and up and up, several pictures were snapped, and then, as if it had a mind of its own,  it whizzed over the tree tops, past our neighbour's rooftop, and disappeared.  Quite a bit of time was spent trying to locate the errant drone, but no luck.  We think it's probably snagged high up in a tree.  Needless to say, a certain high flying photographer was very downcast for the rest of the evening ...

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