The Ferg

By fergie

Self pity

Have managed to acquire some kind of bug and am feeling sorry for myself, plus its wet out there , so I apologise for the pic tonight, its a Poppy just about to bloom . I like poppies and fully intend to photograph the resultant bloom. I managed a very short sojourn outside to take a few pics and this was the best of a small bunch. I realised that I really enjoy taking pictures of anything but I would like to master my photography of people, It gives your pictures more of a chance to tell a story or make a point, they are a more versatile and varied subject and full of surprises, so my own challenge is to maximise the number of "people blips" though a birdwatcher colleague of mine gave me a hint about an ideal site to photograph all sorts of bird life may be even a puffin so if my health and the weather improves my aim is to get out there and take some bird pics this weekend. Hope everyone has a great weekend:)

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