
By briocarioca

Watch out!

The neighbour's cat is growing up - and venturing out of the window. Hope the next step isn't a dive from the second floor after some bird or butterfly.

The sewing lady came today and sewed up a storm, but the much hoped for return of Hurricane/Miracle Mary didn't occur. Well, at least I bestirred myself to make a chicken stroganoff, for the first time ever. Made largely as a protest and to suppress the memory of the appallingly bad one that we ate yesterday, the oven-ready box type. I think it must have been made from a chicken slurry, if there was actually any chicken in it) at all. A protest to the manufacturers, a top brand, is called for.

The rest of the day was spent on household chores and clearing up the kitchen, wondering all the while how Maria manages to do 50 times as much in a quarter of the time. Then off to Scottish country dancing in the evening - HH to dance and teach, me with my laptop to try to put some recent pictures on the St Andrew Soc Facebook page. It took a long time, as an old friend came to sit with me and there was a lot more talk than computing, while I knicked the chips he didn't want. I tried hard to get a video of HH doing the Canadian Barn dance, particularly the polka part, to send to his surgeon, but only managed to get it working after the dance was all over. Pathetic.

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