living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

Safari Phil

We went to a safari workshop with other home edders today.  It was officially about camoflage but everyone knows it was just about getting up close and touching the cool critters.  I showed Chickpea some pictures before going so she would have an idea of what kind of animals she would see and she said she definitely wouldn't touch the spider.  In the end she did and was really proud of herself too!  She has a spider that lives in her planter at the allotment and has always been afraid of it but now she proudly tells me that the spider is there to protect her flowers from being eaten by bugs.  She may still run away next time it pokes it's head out, though.  It is easier to like things in theory than in real life.  Monkey touched the tarantulas as well but didn't get to hold one as I think he was too young. 

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