Woman Walking

By njoyce06


   The aliens are invading!  This is a ride at Wonderland called "The Aliens are Invading".  It was dusk, the wind was fierce, and the children were having a ball.  This is my first attempt to manipulate light, motion, aperture, and shutter.
   The extras are a bird trying to hold its own in the 25 knot wind.  It was neither going forward, backward, or left-right.  It was just trying to hover.  At first I thought it was a blurred picture, but then I realized I had caught the wings cutting into the blowing wind trying to maintain position.  Because it was dusky and cloudy, the shutter was 1600 but the aperture was quit open.  The second photo is of the sunset on a stormy evening over the Atlantic ocean.  Not a lot of color, but promise of another day with the sun.

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