Mr John

By MrJohn

My favourite .....

..... meal.

I went out for a few pints with a couple of ex work colleagues last night and the discussion included our favourite meals. I decided to make mine this evening:

Spicy wedges
Garlic mushrooms
Roasted tomatoes
A splodge of Dijon mustard
And some token greenery
Also included but not photographed was some garlic bread and for afters a large portion of Tiramisu.

In other news today:

Mr M is now out of hospital and spending a few days recuperating at his Dr daughters house.

So far two of my predictions have come true. ( one of which was those Lotto numbers being put on by someone reading that blip and sent through the post to me by a strange girly :-) )

The Killifish eggs still have not hatched, so I have redryed them and will re wet them in a few weeks ( I checked the eggs under a microscope and they still have moving fry inside, I expect they are just being lazy )

I went for an hours run on the moor in the driving rain this evening and have discovered that I can't take beautiful photos of bleak wet moorland, unlike some of the other local blippers.

So today's blip is .....

..... My favourite meal.

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