peas and beans

seeds fascinate me, I love the way that they can be kept (in suitable conditions) for ages and then a bit of love and care can turn them into all kinds of amazing things. One of my great desires is to have a better space for nurturing seeds and turning them into beautiful plants. Which is why I've kept all the old windows of our house so that I can make them into The Best Ever Greenhouse one day.
Although I've never had a problem (apart from as a teenager when I had a problem with most things) with eating meat - as long as I know where it came from - I actually don't like hurting plants. I think the whole argument that says that we should be vegetarians because animals are sentient beings just doesn't take into account how amazing plants are. I hate cutting them off in their prime and mercilessly chopping them up and eating them - skinned alive, boiled, fried, drenched in spices and hot oil....the poor things. At least animals are dead before we start cutting them up. I like to leave some plants just grow, flower, go to seed and turn up again next year. Bits of my garden have been taken over by plants I can't pluck up the heartlessness to rip up. It might be soppy. It might be insane. But I'm going to do it anyway.

What I love most is planting mystery seeds. Plant something, see what comes up. Last year I managed to grow something very poisonous and scare myself :-)

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