I know this is an appalling photo but today had just been so tiring I really couldn't be bothered to try and get anything better!

So this morning I went with the babies to the library. This meant pushing two of the children in a really old double seated buggy across bumpy, sloping pavements. It was like an arm workout! We eventually made it to the library, only to find that it was closed!! So we had to turn round and do the journey all over again. Fortunately I got the children back in one piece despite the dodgy buggy! (or was it just my dodgy pushing and steering??!)

When we got back I was super tired but had to go straight back to the room with the older children. It was non stop from then on until home time (a part from lunch) and it's just sooooooooo tiring. I think everyone's finding it hard at the moment. Some of those children just will not cooperate!

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