Life through the lens...

By ValC

" Water well in dry weather"

Instructions on the plant label!
Well no problem there. The rain has watered it very well again today!

This is a leaf of geranium varigated Contrast.
"Sensational tricolour foliage with scarlet blooms"
The foliage is lovely, but don't know when we will get any flowers.

Nothing much of a day. Usual weekend shopping.
The planting has stopped at the farm as the fields are too wet. They did have English peas for sale in the shop, so somewhere the weather is good for growing.

TV now swamped with football again! Fortunately will be on holiday soon so will miss it!! Oh dear!!

Hope the weather clears up for the weekend.
Probably sunny Monday when the children are back at school.

Hope you all enjoy the weekend what ever the weather!

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