Black Peak

It is of course currently white and The Boss is not sure if he has ever seen it in the 12 years he has lived here…Black.

A super day today so we celebrated with a long walk but with the air temperature he didn’t chuck sticks into the lake. The water was probably not much different but the air would have made drying off a bit chilly and might have matted my curls. Shock Horror…..
 When we started this journal 3 1/2 years ago “My Friend Peter” featured a few times as at that time we used to go up Mt Iron every second day. Well The Boss went to  “My Friend Peter’s”  80th birthday tonight and being a Canny Scot fellow, that involved drinking golden stuff out of small glasses. The Bossess said he looked sunburnt when he returned home.

In recognition of this epic event here is the link to Pete’s first appearance in my journal when I was a younger pup. I don’t think these taste any different now but it is mostly his neck that I got to deal with.
My Friend Peter

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