Two of the best

I am exhausted running my moth trap and getting up just before 5 in the morning to inspect the catch.....I think I may have reached that time in life where burning the candle at both ends and 3 places in the middle just isn't possible!
It is all worthwhile though especially when your catch includes beautiful moths such as these.
The moth on the left is a Miller Acronicta leporina, a generally distributed species which is more common in the south. It has a wing span of 35 - 45mm, and flies from June to August.
The moth on the right is The Sycamore Acronicta aceris, which has a mainly south eastern distribution, with only scattered records elsewhere. It too has a wingspan of 35 - 45mm, and flies in June.
I was well excited to catch these two beauties in my trap as they are new species to my garden, but very best of all is they both have stunningly beautiful larvae (google them!) and where there are adults.........

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