
We got a good night's sleep in the Sedgefield Travelodge (I know, I know - it can happen) and since we had a few hours in hand drove south via the North Yorks moors, in spite of the rain that was p*ssing down at the outset. Believe it or not, things had cleared up considerably by the time I gazed out from this viewpoint back up (I think) Bilsdale. After this we visited the nearby Rievaulx Abbey (ruins). What an astonishing place. I wonder if, in 500 years time, tourists will visit ruins left by IS in Syria and Iraq and marvel at the remnants, as did we?

Then it was onward to Green Hammerton where we did a few tunes in the village hall. Very enjoyable it was too (apart from when my guitar strap fell off). It was very good to meet up again with a school friend I hadn't seen in the flesh for 45 years - we went back to stay in Harrogate for the night with A and her jolly husband Mike. She'd hardly changed at all ( Mr H thinks there must have been something in the water!)

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