
By TBay


I sent Mr Tbay off to get a blip as was rather up to my neck in other things. He came back with this rather lovely rose.

Another busy day . Now there's a surprise! Mr Tbay off early to get spare part for mowers. Then much mowing and strimming for him.

I tended to wedding things then on to gardening. It is never ending. After dead heading roses I than laid a lot of petals on trays and then I drying them to make rose petal confetti . So far what I have done seems very sucessful.

Farming. - Two on compost hauling then Rusty serviced our rear/ front mounted mowers before heading off to mow. Had a phone call at 5:00pm to say he had hit a very wet patch in field and had sunk up to his axles!! A call to a neighbouring farmer we know solved the problem but it took and hour to get his out and going again! Mr Tbay Jnr also out mowing but a much simpler afternoon for him!!

I wonder what offerings we will have for Tractor Tuesday? You never know!!

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