Cheese & Onion

And next on the catwalk we have poppy D wearing this year's popular tie dye t-shirt by new designers 'Vinegar & Onions'.

This week's homework involved dying a piece of material using natural ingredients. We found an old white t-shirt and, after soaking it in vinegar and water to prepare it for dying, soaked it in a boiled mixture of water and chopped red onion peelings. We were pretty pleased with the results and, if you can get around the rather pungent smell, think it could be the hottest item on the catwalks this season.

The boys are back. Hurrah! Alfie was asleep as they drove up to the house, woke up, said 'I've got a headache', staggered into the house, collapsed on the sofa and went back to sleep for 2 and a half hours.
I think they had a good time.

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