The Wisdom of Stability

Stay somewhere.
Remain in one place.
For longer than you imagine will be comfortable.
An hour, a day, a week, a season.
Stay there for whatever length of time will, you know, be more than you would choose.
Give yourself to the place and to the moment.

Picture yourself growing roots into the ground of the place.
Don't be bashful about belonging here.
Look people in the eye when you meet.
Believe that this is your place of wisdom-finding,
your home-coming,
your thin place,
your place of resurrection.     

From the book recommended by Hamp5on. Yet another walk down the Newhall Valley - it is becoming my thin place... Used to feel boring, walking the same path each day; now I love it and delight in the seasonal changes, the folk I meet regularly, the light at different times of day, the many memories.

There is a downside to becoming rooted, though, and that is the pain of uprooting...

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