Bored again!

Too much time on my hands today so took dogglies for a plod along the Crinan canal. Seeings as I have nothing much to do I think I wil have a go at putting todays Crinan canal set into my blipfolio thingy!
I saw Mr shouty man that was screaming his head off at his daughter in their wee boat yesterday but he seemed a lot happier today, maybe the daughter or someone had a bite at him yesterday!
Home alone today so who knows what I may get up to!
Am in two minds whether to go to Tarbet Loch Lomond tomorrow morning to see this ridonkulous charade of the Olympic torch. If its dry I will get up early as there will be no parking and it will be the usual chaotic carry on so if I get there early at least I can take some piccies and support the local youngster from the High school here. AS for the London Olympics ,....I don't give a fig and neither did many of the folks I spoke to when down on the island of MErsea. They too saw it as a total waste of our good money. Mutter mutter!!!! You can so tell I am not the sporting type! Ok my Crinan canal pics are under sceanic as I dont know how to make a new category , at least I managed to get them on!
Happy blipping all

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