With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Sons and daughters of Albion

The Albion press at Ca N'Alluny is still in production and was working hard this afternoon. I am so looking forward to getting this story all together. It was a privilege to have a walk in the garden and have a quick chat with Frances and other members of the family while this lot were working on Boo's print. 

The boys had taken Scooby down to the Deia beach and I found them there with Lluc taking in the sunshine. We bumped into all manner of people, some old friends (E and A) and some new. One in particular borrowed my mask to guard him from jellyfish and I chucked him my shoes so he could get out into the bay. We warned him of all the potential dangers, but being Loki, I think he would be ok. Good to have friends who can avenge.

What a cool day.

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