Deconstructed Bouquet

I bought a bouquet of local flowers at our food co-op on Thursday, and have been watching them change each day, waiting for just the right moment to play with them. Today seemed the opportune moment, particularly after several attempts to take more hummingbird photos resulted in nothing worth sharing. 

Moving various flowers from the bouquet around to different locations, taking photos from a variety of angles, and then reviewing the images and choosing my favorites, I realized how much I learn subconsciously from these "play times." They free me to not "make do" with the first reasonable image, and encourage me to experiment and get out of my comfort zone of representing things literally in my photos.

I particularly like the ambiguous dark space in today's image, as well as the aging beauty of the sunflower. The extra photo is lighter in mood and color, and a bit dizzying, given the angle! (My feet were firmly on the ground.)

I look forward to hearing which image you prefer!

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