What summer.....??
Looking back through my Specsavers Rose tinted glasses, I remember the summers of my childhood always being sunny. School summer holidays we'd be out playing just after 9 in the morning, back in for some dinner, back out until tea time then back out until mam or dad would come looking for us.
I moved to the South coast around 1982 from the North East of England, the summers then were consistently sunny and warm, even in 1995 when my parents moved down the summers were consistently warm and dry, my parents even stopped going to Greece for their holidays, because the weather was so nice here.
I visited Fort Brockhurst yesterday for one of their rare open days, the sunshine was glorious, and within the fort's wall it was really warm, out of the pesky wind. As you can see from todays image, plenty of cloud, unfortunately you can't feel that cool breeze that's a constant companion these days.
This morning I had a list of places I wanted to visit within Gosport where I was hoping for reflections at high tide, unfortunately each location was affected by a cool breeze, no reflections to be had. So working down my list todays image is plan g on my list.
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