Rodents rule

By squirk

The gateway to the isles

We were up bright and early to catch the 8.30 train to Glasgow. The bicycles were stowed safely in a small space behind the driver, who kindly let us know that the only other bicycle there was alighting at the Lake District. We shoogled everything round so that bike could get out easily. It was a very nice bicycle - Fred had a little bike envy.

In no time at all we were in Glasgow, where we had a few hours to kill before the Oban train. I had some calamari from the Clyde* and Fred tucked into pasta. Then we tried and failed to find a green space to sit in. Glasgow centre doesn't have any green spaces - a bit of a failing. Having loaded-up bikes meant we couldn't leave them and go indoors so we just wandered aimlessly until the train to Oban.

At Oban, we checked into our hotel, then whizzed along to Canavan Sands on our bikes, catching the last of the sun. We celebrated the start of our holiday with some seafood at Ee-usk - Yum!

*waiter's wee joke

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