
What a contrast in the weather!  From 25 degrees yesterday to about 10 degrees today!  So glad I went to Potfest on the good day:-)

Feeling sick as a parrot at the moment.  I went in to Dundee to collect some clothes shopping I'd ordered online, then decided to look at a few more items in other shops.  Somewhere in my travels, I lost the bag containing the clothes I'd gone in to collect and I'm not even sure where I've left it.  I didn't realise it was missing  until I got home after 6 pm and by then the shops were all closed, so I'll have to ring tomorrow and hope some honest person has handed it in.  Is there such a person left any more in a big city?  Wish me luck!

The Lewisia is one of two in my new rockery and I love its salmon-pink colour.

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