Pixel H

By PixelH

Grate! just grate....

I seem to be missing something. Namely that Friday feeling.

There's a lot of good things about working from home and I usually quite enjoy the peace and quiet to get on with things. I also have the best of both worlds working from an office once a month too.

However, there are days that I notice the tediousness of being on your own all day and its mostly on a Friday. In an office surrounded by people there's always that certain buzz about the place on a Friday afternoon which gets your hairs on the back of your arms standing on end, making you feel like you really deserve this weekend and that you're going to make the most of it.

And its not as though there's nothing to do. Tonight Graeme's gigging with The Penny Blacks at Cab Vol and then there are numerous options as to what to do after that.

Sadly, also gone missing, presumedly having gone off with my Friday feeling, is my inspiration for a blip.....roll on Monday.....

Have a good weekend and don't make yourselves sick on too many treats tonight. Mwaahahahaahahahaaaaa!!

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