Nothing ...

... but drops of water.

The herons were out in numbers this morning before the sunrise hunting for food in the pools being left by the retreating tide. This one made a number of stabs into the water, and here I have caught it just after one such (unsuccessful) stab, which has resulted in a dip in the water, and drops being sprayed as it raised its head again.

I was intrigued by the behaviour of some of the herons. They were scratching at the sandy bottom of the pools, and on occasions doing what previously I have seen only the gulls do, which is to stamp their foot rapidly into the water, and then look to see what has been disturbed. 

There was a lot of cloud about at sunrise, and about a quarter of an hour after official sunrise I got a nice photo of the sun which I have put into extras.

Then a gentle enough day to follow. About to go now to a nearby vineyard restaurant with S' cousin and his wife for a meal.

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