Pink spilleth over

The heat continued today.  Even at 8 p.m. this evening it was still 90 degrees.  Everything was in need of water and as I went from plants to pots, I thought this particular tipped pot with these pink flowers spilling out of it was a good choice for my Blip.  I heard from my cousin that it was Flower Friday in memory of Alma, BikerBears mom, who passed away today.   I thought this would be a nice choice.
I did an early walk before the heat got really bad.  I did my best yet according to my FitBit.  My two sisters, my sister-in-law, my brother and my son have all recently gotten FitBits  so there is some fierce competition going on.  My one sister actually suggested that perhaps I attached the FitBit to my dog Dillon's collar because I had done so well today.  That really made me laugh. 

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