Capital adventures

By marchmont

Thank you!

Today was working at home churning my way through a whole lot of paperwork, while outside the sun continued to beat down. Then mid afternoon off to the Gyle. This was a fraught journey as a) I decided to go via the by pass the access roads to which were chocka and b) I was driving on air. But I made it, in time, via the only Tesco without a petrol station.

The reason for going out to Edinburgh Park was to represent Crisis and accept a cheque from the future Williams and Glyn's team who had cycled from London to Edinburgh over 7 days. A fantastic effort to build their new team and in n the process raise £30,000 to help end homelessness. I felt very privileged to be there.

Home, via Morrison's petrol station, to cut the grass, move earth, speak to sis and watch, and how great is this, the revived, one night only, TFI Friday. It was how I spent Friday nights when I was young and had pre teens at home. Yeah!

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