
By pensionspoet

A friend of Ralph's?

This lovely silver feline greeted me when I arrived home this evening. She is very friendly, and I think has maybe had several litters as her tummy is very saggy (I know how she feels). 

Today i didn't explore very far at lunchtime, as I needed to do a bit of shopping, plus move some money about in order to pay for our two weeks camping in the Isle of Wight, which is rapidly approaching.

At home this evening, Henry and I discussed homework. I'll rephrase that - I spoke to him about making a plan for the next 5 weeks to cover his homework. He groaned, rolled his eyes at me and said 'muuuuum' in a whiny 'I am nearly a teenager' tone. I'll try again with that conversation next week.

We then went to Tesco to do our weeks shopping. Once home we both enjoyed making chocolate chip fairy cakes for a special 21st gathering we are going to tomorrow. Angus, the eldest son of my lovely friends Karen & Neil, is 21 today. I was living in Chatteris when he was born. It seems like a lifetime ago, but then, a lot happens in 21 years.

The cakes will be far too sweet for my lovely friend Karen, but I'm sure the kids will eat them! Looking forward to seeing them tomorrow and sharing Angus' special day.

So, another weekend in Cambridge beckons, more packing up, more agonising over what we take, and what we need to find new homes for. 

But all that can wait, as I am determined to have a lie in tomorrow!

p.s. Ralph was sleeping in the summerhouse when I snapped him in the extra photo.

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