Pond Surface

Hello, Blip Friends.  I attended a state-wide conference for my church's denomination from Sunday PM until Thursday.  It was non-stop meetings and activities, but I did manage to get a photo each day, just didn't get any of them posted or make any comments to you.  I've missed it.  I went to a pond at a golf course today and took this phone of the surface of the pond. The lower right foreground shows ripples in the water, but otherwise there is lots of growth (algae maybe ?), but I liked the effect it created.  You might try it large.  I meant to add the conference I attended was as a delegate from my church for a meeting of United Methodists in South Carolina (we live in NC and attend church in SC 5 minutes from our house).  It started last Sunday at 5 PM and ended Thursday at 5:15 PM.  We started each day at 8:30, and two evenings I was in a session or worship until after 9.  Although it was great, I am glad to be home and resting a bit.

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