A place in time

By Verbosa

These boots

Well, with all this walking to/from work, I have started wearing my comfortable footwear - after all, it's no good getting into work with neat footwear but a face like a slapped ar$e from having uncomfy feet, now is it? Needless to say, since I've been wearing flat shoes or boots or trainers I have started to really enjoy the walking. I try to vary what I wear - trainers one day, flat boots another...and now I have just bought a pair of MBT-style trainers (no, I know they aren't actual MBTs, but they are more expensive and the MBT shop in town has closed down!). So here they are - my spanking new "wobble-board" trainers and my much-loved "Victorian workhouse boots".

(Cue song...)

These boots are made for walking

(Also made me think of that Porridge sketch...)

What, with these feet?

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